Below are easy step by step directions for adding a discount code on our website. For a list of active promotion codes, pease click here.
Some codes expire after a specific number of total redemptions by all customers, are limited to number of uses per customer account, and some promotions expire after a certain day or time.
If you receive a promotion code in your email, please read the full details pertaining to that promotion as these are often time sensitive. Not all promotion codes work for all accounts or services.
Promotion codes are never eligible for gift certificates at any time.
Instructions on how to Apply a Discount Code
1. Once you land on the payment screen, there will be a light red colored box to your right labeled "gift card or discount code."
Please see photo with the black box for reference of where you should enter the code.
2. Type the discount code in the box
3. Click "Apply"
4. Code will automatically be applied
5. Proceed to fill out the payment information
If you have any further questions, please contact us by clicking here.